Embrace Nature, Cultivate with Passion

Experience the reality of Agribusiness with no risk at Farming Formula.

Our Journey in Farming

From physician to passionate farmer, we embrace the beauty of nature while navigating the challenges of running a farm business. Join us in our journey towards sustainable agriculture and green living.

اسمى اسلام الصالحى بشتغل طبيب و ما زلت بمارس مهنتى و لكن شغفى الأكبر هو منظر الطبيعة و الحقول الخضراء اللى كنت بلعب فيها مع اصدقائى فى طفولتنا. من هنا اتكون حلمى انى امتلك مزرعة و اعيش و اكسب من الزراعة و تربية الحيوانات و فعلا بدأت فى تنفيذ حلم حياتى و كلفت حد يشتريلى أرض زراعية و انا مسافر و لكن بعد ما رجعت مصر سنة 2023 اكتشفت انى وقعت فى كارثة كان ممكن تضيع كل ما أملك بسبب عدم معرفتى السابقة بمجال الزراعة.

انا بالفعل خسرت مئات الآلاف من الجنيهات بسبب بداية خاطئة و غياب الGuide لكن ده مكانش كافى انى اتخلى عن حلمى و اسيب المجال اللى طول عمرى بحلم ادخله.

كملت طريقى و أصبحت مرة واحدة المسؤول الوحيد عن المزرعة بتاعتى بعد ماكنت مكتفى بشوية فيديوهات و صور و مريت بلحظات يأس و إحباط كتير و لكن كان أكبر دافع ليا هو شغفى وسعادتى و انا موجود فى مزرعتى.

عشان كده ربنى وفقنى و قدرت دلوقت اكتسب الخبرة الكافية لتشغيل المزرعة بأقل التكاليف و ازود مصادر الربح منها بعد ما كانت مقتصرة على محصول المانجو السنوى و بعد ما كنت فريسة سهلة للناس المحيطة أصبح بيتقال قدامى انت بقيت شخص تانى غير اللى عرفناه قبل كده و ده أكبر مكسب من وجهة نظرى.

رحلتى لسه طويلة و مشوقة جدا و انا فعليا سعيد جدا بكل تفاصيلها و عشان كده حابب اشارك كل واحد مستعد يمشى فى نفس الطريق فى رحلتى عشان يتجنب الأخطاء و المشاكل اللى قابلتنى و يوفر على نفسه وقت و فلوس و مجهود كبير.

لو مهتم تمشى نفس طريقى سجل بيانات و املا الفورم على الموقع من هنا و هيتم التواصل معاك

Farming Services Offered

Explore our diverse farming services tailored to nurture your passion for nature and agriculture.

Sustainable Farming Practices
A rural landscape featuring a large agricultural building with four metallic silos. In the foreground, a green tractor is connected to farming equipment, preparing a field. The background includes flat, open land with sparse trees and a clear blue sky.
A rural landscape featuring a large agricultural building with four metallic silos. In the foreground, a green tractor is connected to farming equipment, preparing a field. The background includes flat, open land with sparse trees and a clear blue sky.

Implementing eco-friendly methods to enhance productivity while preserving the environment sustainably.

A detailed farm scene features numerous pigs within a fenced area, with a barn and another farm building nearby. The scene includes a small figure tending to the pigs and green fences surrounding the pen. In the background, there's a road with a couple of vehicles next to a river.
A detailed farm scene features numerous pigs within a fenced area, with a barn and another farm building nearby. The scene includes a small figure tending to the pigs and green fences surrounding the pen. In the background, there's a road with a couple of vehicles next to a river.
An expansive farm scene features a large field of crops with a green combine harvester working alongside a red truck with a large white trailer. The landscape extends across flat, fertile farmland, with multiple sections of fields in various shades of brown and green. Buildings and silos are visible in the distant background under a sky with scattered clouds.
An expansive farm scene features a large field of crops with a green combine harvester working alongside a red truck with a large white trailer. The landscape extends across flat, fertile farmland, with multiple sections of fields in various shades of brown and green. Buildings and silos are visible in the distant background under a sky with scattered clouds.
Consultation Services

Expert advice on farm management, crop selection, and sustainable practices for aspiring farmers.

Workshops and Training

Hands-on learning experiences to cultivate your farming skills and knowledge effectively.

Farm Gallery

Explore the beauty of nature through our farm's vibrant images.

A peaceful rural scene with a farm situated at the base of a lush, green hillside. The farm includes several structures, such as barns, positioned amidst a fenced area. Tall trees with dense foliage surround the area, and the sky above is clear and bright.
A peaceful rural scene with a farm situated at the base of a lush, green hillside. The farm includes several structures, such as barns, positioned amidst a fenced area. Tall trees with dense foliage surround the area, and the sky above is clear and bright.
A rural landscape featuring a farmhouse surrounded by silos and large barns. The image presents a clear, open sky, green lawns, and trees lining the background, with freshly tilled soil in the foreground.
A rural landscape featuring a farmhouse surrounded by silos and large barns. The image presents a clear, open sky, green lawns, and trees lining the background, with freshly tilled soil in the foreground.
A rural landscape featuring a farmhouse with a yellow facade surrounded by green fields and trees. Several outbuildings with red and gray roofs are visible, along with a red tractor and farming equipment on the grass. A dirt path runs through the property, and electrical poles are present. The background shows rolling hills and additional wooded areas.
A rural landscape featuring a farmhouse with a yellow facade surrounded by green fields and trees. Several outbuildings with red and gray roofs are visible, along with a red tractor and farming equipment on the grass. A dirt path runs through the property, and electrical poles are present. The background shows rolling hills and additional wooded areas.
A large farmhouse with a yellow facade and black shutters sits next to a white barn. The structures are surrounded by a neatly trimmed lawn and fenced by a low white fence. The sky is clear, and there are a few scattered trees in the background.
A large farmhouse with a yellow facade and black shutters sits next to a white barn. The structures are surrounded by a neatly trimmed lawn and fenced by a low white fence. The sky is clear, and there are a few scattered trees in the background.

Get in Touch with Us

We'd love to hear from fellow nature enthusiasts and farmers.

A rural farm surrounded by lush green vegetation, featuring several buildings with metal roofs, some equipment, and open spaces. The setting is amidst a dense, forested area on rolling hills.
A rural farm surrounded by lush green vegetation, featuring several buildings with metal roofs, some equipment, and open spaces. The setting is amidst a dense, forested area on rolling hills.